How do I join OVP?
If you’re an outfitter or a club and are interested in joining our Outfitter Vendor Program, please fill out the form linked *here* to see if you qualify.
Can I order directly from Migra ammunitions?
We do our best to make sure we manufacture the highest quality shells possible and we rely on our retailers to ensure that those shells make it to you. Please check out our Retailer Map for more details and if you’re an outfitter or club, please check out our OVP Form.
How do I become a Migra ambassador?
We believe that we have built and will continue to build the strongest and most authentic team that exists. We don’t take that lightly. We are aggressive in our approach but patient in our choosing. Nothing is changing in that process anytime soon.
Where is Migra manufactured?
Canada and Tennessee. The Land of the Living Skies and The Volunteer State put the pieces together for us to bring you perfectly stacked shells.
What is the best way to store Migra?
Even though you should keep them out of reach from children and people that act like children, it’s best to store them somewhere safe that stays cool and dry under lock and key.
What choke tubes do you recommend?
We tested and tried almost every choke and barrel combo we could think of. It’s been our experience that factory modified for waterfowl and factory full for turkey were the most consistent and gave us the most confidence with pellets on target being the primary goal.
How do I contact Migra?
Contact form here